Four Columns & Image on Top

graphic design, logo design, nonprofit

Logo design for California Immigrant Resilience Fund

One of my clients, Daranee Petsod at Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, asked me to create a logo for a new fundraising effort they were coordinating. The California Immigrant Resilience Fund provides direct cash assistance to immigrant Californians who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but are excluded from federal relief and ineligible for…

logo design for UndocuFund

(Practically) instant logo for

You remember when wildfires were raging around northern California and scorching right into towns? A couple of weekends ago, one of my clients, Daranee Petsod at Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, asked me if I could create a super-quick logo for a fund they were establishing to support a particularly vulnerable community: undocumented immigrants…

Axie Breen interview with Boston Voyager

BostonVoyager magazine interview (with me!)

I just got some of the only kind of publicity I ever get: surprise and unsolicited. An online magazine that is doing a “hidden gems of Boston” series contacted me for an interview and of course I had to say yes. I found it strange to non-braggily brag about myself, but apparently, one must:  …

pain-free joints

From naked to gritty

Getty Images, major purveyor of stock photography, revealed that their most popular image for the search term “woman” has shifted over the last 10 years. Ten years ago it was a naked woman under a white towel—possibly a spa situation? Now it’s a woman power-hiking a rocky mountain trail. Can it be just that activewear…

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Three Columns & Image on Top

graphic design, logo design, nonprofit

Logo design for California Immigrant Resilience Fund

One of my clients, Daranee Petsod at Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, asked me to create a logo for a new fundraising effort they were coordinating. The California Immigrant Resilience Fund provides direct cash assistance to immigrant Californians who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but are excluded from federal relief and ineligible for…

logo design for UndocuFund

(Practically) instant logo for

You remember when wildfires were raging around northern California and scorching right into towns? A couple of weekends ago, one of my clients, Daranee Petsod at Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, asked me if I could create a super-quick logo for a fund they were establishing to support a particularly vulnerable community: undocumented immigrants…

Axie Breen interview with Boston Voyager

BostonVoyager magazine interview (with me!)

I just got some of the only kind of publicity I ever get: surprise and unsolicited. An online magazine that is doing a “hidden gems of Boston” series contacted me for an interview and of course I had to say yes. I found it strange to non-braggily brag about myself, but apparently, one must:  …

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pain-free joints

From naked to gritty

Getty Images, major purveyor of stock photography, revealed that their most popular image for the search term “woman”…

graphic design, logo design, nonprofit

Logo design for California Immigrant Resilience Fund

One of my clients, Daranee Petsod at Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, asked me to create a…

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Masonry Blog Posts

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